

There are 99 products.

Showing 1-30 of 99 item(s)

SCAPA self-amalgamating tape

Self-amalgamating tape for cable joints.
Price 13.00 €
In stock

RG-58 välikaapeli PL-259 -liittimillä, 50 cm

Price 13.00 €
In stock

ProEquip PRO-P232LS korvakuulokemikrofoni Icom-radiopuhelimille

Price 46.00 €
Out of stock (ask delivery time)

DK6675 lyhennetty ajoneuvoantenni M6-liitännällä 66-75 MHz, pituus 60 cm.

Price 50.00 €
In stock

JD-720X IP55 speaker-microphone (Motorola VX)

Price 50.00 €
In stock

Kenwood KVC-22 ajoneuvolatausteline 12 V DC (Liitetään KSC-35/KSC-35S pöytätelineeseen)

Kätetvä ajoneuvolataustelakka Kenwood-käsiradioille.
Price 50.00 €
In stock

MAG 270 PRO mobile antenna

Price 56.00 €
Out of stock (ask delivery time)

RM RT-16 voltage reducer 24 - 12 V DC

Price 60.00 €
Out of stock (ask delivery time)

Original Kenwood KNB-45L 2000 mAh lithium-ion battery

Price 60.00 €
Out of stock (ask delivery time)

Kenwood KMC-45D PRO Hevy Duty monofoni Kenwood ja Wouxun radiopuhelimille

Price 60.00 €
In stock

Motorola FNB-V134LI battery 2300 mAh VX-261 EVX-261

Price 65.00 €
In stock

Sirio MGA 55-550 S mobile antenna

Price 66.00 €
Out of stock (ask delivery time)

Sirio CX 4-68 tukiasema-antenni 68-73 MHz

Price 97.00 €
Out of stock (ask delivery time)

Comet CF-360A duplexer 1.3-30 MHz / 49-470 MHz

Price 97.00 €
In stock

Motorola MH-45B4B Heavy Duty

Price 149.00 €
Out of stock (ask delivery time)