SDRPlay RSPduo SDR receiver

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SDRPlay RSPduo SDR receiver
  • Always affordable prices Always affordable prices
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  • Reliable warranty Reliable warranty
349.00 € vat 25.5 %
278,09 €
tax excl.
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14-bittinen SDR-vastaanotin reaaliaikaisella kaksoiskuuntelulla.

The RSPduo is a high performance dual-tuner 14-bit SDR receiver.
Housed in a high quality steel enclosure, each tuner can operate individually anywhere between

1kHz and 2GHz with up to 10MHz of bandwidth or both tuners can operate simultaneously anywhere between 1kHz and 2GHz with up to 2MHz of bandwidth per tuner.

A high stability reference along with external clocking features makes this device ideally suited to industrial, scientific & educational applications

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SDRPlay RSPduo SDR receiver

SDRPlay RSPduo SDR receiver

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