Anytone AT-D878UV II PLUS analoginen/DMR-käsiradio APRS GPS

Tilapäisesti loppu (kysy toimitusaikaa)

Uusin AT-D878UV II PLUS-versio, muistikapasiteetti 2 Gt, APRS toimii nyt myös analogisella FM-lähetteellä.

145/433MHz  DMR/analoginen käsiradio 3100 mAh akulla. USB-ohjelmointikaapeli ja Bluetooth remote PTT-painike sisältyvät hintaan. 

4 lähetintehotasoa: 7/5/2,5/1W (VHF), 6/4/2,5/1W (UHF)   GPS, Bluetooth, APRS.

GPS-signaaliin perustuva etäisyyden mittaus  2 radion välillä. Analogisen ja digitaalisen signaalin automaattitunnistus.

Anytone AT-D878UV II PLUS  analoginen/DMR-käsiradio  APRS GPS
  • Anytone AT-D878UV VHF/UHF analoginen/digitaalinen käsiradiopuhelin 3100 mAh akulla
  • Aina halvat hinnat Aina halvat hinnat
  • Nopea toimitus Nopea toimitus
  • Luotettava takuu Luotettava takuu
249,00 € alv 25.5 %
198,41 €
Tilapäisesti loppu (kysy toimitusaikaa)


  • Roaming : Built-in DMR Repeater Roaming feature 
  • APRS / GPS Capable : DMR-APRS and Analog APRS Capable (GPS) 
  • VHF/UHF Dual Band : Monitor two bands at the same time (V+V, U+U & V+U)
  • Digital DMR and Analog: Features both DMR digital and analog modes on any channel. 
  • High Power Output : 6.0W, 4.0W, 2.5W, 1.0W selectable TX power output.
  • 2 & 5 Tone Paging Includes built-in : 2 Tone and 5 Tone Paging feature 
  • Programming Cable : Includes USB Programming Cable, free software available for download. 
  • Color TFT Display :1.77 inch color TFT screen for Day or Night operation. User changeable display and font colors.
  • Roaming : New Built-in Roaming Feature
  • APRS (GPS): DMR-APRS and Analog APRS Capable (GPS)
  • Processor :Faster Processor over the D868UV
  • Additional Memory: Larger Memory for Future Enhancements TFT Display Background Display and Font Colors are User changeable
  • Digital Monitor :Monitor One or Two Timeslots
  • Zone Select :Selectable Zones from Keypad 
  • Auto RX Mode Receiver : Auto Selects to incoming Digital or Analog Signal
  • GPS : Built-in GPS feature
  • Memory Channels: 4,000 channels
  • DMR Talk Groups : 10,000
  • Digital Contacts: 150,000 (complete worldwide database from DMR-MARC)
  • Power Levels : 4 programmable power levels: 6/4/2.5/1 Watt Transmit Power Levels.
  • Zones : 250 zones, up to 250 channels per zone.
  • Display: 1.77 inch color TFT Screen with selectable dual channel or single channel display.
  • Battery: Operate 35+ hours between charges with the supplied 3100 mAh lithium ion battery in the power saver mode.
  • Bandwidth : 12.5 / 25.0 kHz Analog, and 12.5 kHz DMR
  • Import/Export :Enhanced CPS allows direct input and export of channels, digital IDs and talkgroups.
  • DMR Compatibility: Supports both Tier I and Tier II operation, making it compatible with DMR repeaters that utilize two-slot TDMA technology.
  • Amateur Radio: Also operational on amateur radio DMR networks and analog frequencies. Software importable worldwide amateur contact database.
  • Speaker Connection :2-pin style Kenwood/Wouxun type earphone and speaker mic connection for a variety of accessories.
  • Quiet Tones :CTCSS/DCS tone squelch with split tone and custom tone capability.
  • Frequency Range : 136-174 / 400-480 MHz RX/TX

    Package Includes:
  • Dual-band VHF/UHF Radio
  • 3100 mAh extended life lithium ion battery
  • Desk charger w/ AC adapter
  • Dual-band antenna
  • Belt clip
  • Free USB Programming cable and downloadable software
  • User manual.

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Anytone AT-D878UV II PLUS  analoginen/DMR-käsiradio  APRS GPS

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